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Washoe Meadows State Park is home to forests, meadows, abundant wildlife, rare plants and fens. The park also offers many recreational opportunities to outdoor enthusiasts.

Washoe Meadows Community was formed in 2006 when California State Parks proposed a plan to restore the Upper Truckee River and move golf course holes into the park. Setting a shameful precedent, California State Parks Commissioners voted 5-0 to downgrade Washoe Meadows from a state park to a recreation area. Learn more…

Washoe Meadows Community believes the river can be restored, the park can be preserved, and golf can continue in the state recreation area on the east side of the river.

Washoe Meadows Community needs your help.

Take Action

Write to the decision makers. Attend the hearings. Tell state officials that you believe Washoe Meadows State Park and all state parks should be protected, not developed. Insist that they approve Alternative 3 in the Washoe Meadows EIS, or  another alternative which would reconfigure the golf course where it is now; on the east side of the Upper Truckee River. River restoration can help meet goals to improve water quality in Lake Tahoe. However, the ecological, recreational, and cultural values of the Park should not be held hostage to river restoration. (10 Reasons to Protect Washoe Meadows)

Help us defend Washoe Meadows. 
To make an online donation click here and follow the prompts. Please be sure to put Washoe Meadows Community in the designation area of the form. or: Please send your tax-deductible contributions to: Resource Renewal Institute 187 East Blithedale Avenue Mill Valley, CA 94941 (Write Washoe Meadows in the memo line.)

Receive updates and email alerts by joining our email list.

Supporting Organizations
We are not alone in our campaign. We are aligned with a coalition of organizations concerned with the currently proposed project including the following:

Mother Lode Chapter of the Sierra Club
Tahoe Area Sierra Club
The Bear League
Defense of Place
Resource Renewal Institute
The California Native Plant Society 
Planning & Conservation League

Add your name to those supporting Washoe Meadows by sending a email to WashoeMeadowsinfo@yahoo.com